Problem solving and advice from our lawn care experts
Last Updated: 10/01/2025
Most homeowners care less about their lawn at this time of year as the temperature drops. However, the work we carry out during this time is some of the most important of the year. Moss development, persistent weeds and drainage issues are all common issues that can occur during winter, and if not dealt with can lead to further problems and costs when spring comes around.
Each maintenance task and treatment application ensures that when the time comes for us to sit outside and enjoy our gardens again, your lawn is in great shape.
What you can do to help your lawn during winter
Caring for your lawn doesn’t always require a visit from your local Lawn Master expert. Follow these simple & cost-free lawn care advice to keep your lawn healthy over winter:
Clear fallen leaves as quickly as possible
When left on the lawn, they block sunlight and airflow, suffocating the grass and impeding its growth. It is essential to regularly rake fallen leaves and remove any debris to prevent the development of weeds or diseases.
Cut back trees, bushes and herbaceous borders
Not only does this enhance the overall appearance of your garden, but it also helps prevent the spread of lawn diseases by improving airflow and sunlight penetration, reducing moisture build-up.
Clear away children’s play equipment and garden furniture
This prevents shade and maximises the flow of air across the grass keeping it drier and lessening disease pressure.
Whenever possible, try to limit the amount of time you spend walking across the lawn.
If your unable to keep off your lawn, varying your route reduces excessive wear to one area.
Remove dew with the back of a flat rake
Most disease problems occur when dew stay on the grass all day long. You’ll have a lovely striped effect making visitors think you’re a pro!
Build your snowmen off the grass
The odds are shortening on a white Christmas. However, if you get a covering of snow, build your snowmen off the grass to ensure patches of your lawn don’t remain covered.
What Lawn Master can do to help your lawn during winter
The application of our winter treatment ensures lawns emerge from winter dormancy strong, healthy and ready to grow. Applied as a liquid, an essential component is iron. Iron is a winter turf hardener which toughens the grass plant to make it resilient to harsh weather conditions, it also discourages the growth of moss. Visually it produces a dark green colour without encouraging excessive growth. The acidifying effect of iron can reduce worm cast activity, helps create a suitable environment for the growth of perennial grasses, and can prevent turf diseases and fungal attacks.
Our operatives are busy aerating lawns during winter, which relieves compaction, allows oxygen into the root zone and encourages root growth. Carried out regularly it also improves drainage and prevents waterlogging.
For the past 25 years, Lawn Master has been providing professional lawn care services and expanding across the UK with a big difference. The difference being that we insist that all of our franchisees are pre-experienced turf industry professionals.